Entries in the 'Technology' Category

GRM23 – Week 1 Photoshop Knockoffs

During the semester we will be working with the Adobe Creative Suite, which includes Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and Acrobat. If you want to work at home and do not care to sign up for the Adobe Creative Cloud, you may be able to work on your Photoshop assignments using either Gimp or Pixelmator. Gimp is a free PS imitator and works with either Mac or PC. Pixemator is Mac only, and runs $29.95. Both programs export to Photoshop. While neither is as feature-laden as Photoshop, either should suffice for the work we will be doing in GRM23. If, however, you can swing the monthly fee for the Creative Suite, that will be preferable, giving you access to all the software we will use during the course of the semester.

12 Free Cloud Storage Options

Box.net offering 50GB of storage free for life

There are free online cloud storage services with a limited amount of space (2-7 GB) where each cloud storage service has its own specifications to fit your personal or business needs. iCloud for Apple, SkyDrive from Microsoft, Dropbox, Box, etc. You can access many of these websites through your smartphone or tablet to upload and download.

Click on this link to see more descriptions for each cloud storage  services: http://www.networkworld.com/news/2012/092512-free-cloud-262764.html?page=1

Technology’s Radical Change

Take a look at the tools of the trade pre-Macintosh. This overview of paste-up was how my education is graphic arts began, so you can see how radically the technology has changed. What do you think will come next?

GRM23 – Week 4

This week we’re going to have that “pop quiz” I told you about last week.

It is labeled a quarter term quiz, meaning nothing more than we are about 1/4 of the way through the semester. My how time flies! If you’ve kept up with the reading through week 3, you should do just fine on the quiz. We’ll review the questions, take some photos and download them, as well as answer any questions you might have about any of our assignments and the material we covered in our first three weeks.

 Blast from the Past…

Enjoy. Shopping from home in 1999 (1967) Doug Englebart’s Mouse – 1 Doug Englebart’s Mouse – 2 (1968) Apple’s Knowledge Navigator (1987) What exciting developments can we look forward to in our future?
Here are a couple of must-see videos that have affected the design business from the 60s on. Enjoy.

  1. Photo Retouching Exercises (3,4,5,6)
  2. Discussion (2)


Sign Up Now for Desktop Publishing

GR M24 Desktop Publishing, AKA GR M25 Publication Design.

This is a critically important class for students in graphic design, journalism, photography, art, humanties, or anyone who finds the need to publish.

Hurry and sign up now to take this production-oriented design class that starts in the January 2011 spring semester at Moorpark College. You need to register and pay for this class in the next two weeks to assure your place before it fills up!

Some students have reported difficulties registering online due to the possible lack of a pre-requiste. This obstacle can be overcome by getting a waiver obtained and signed by either Nancy Haberman (Wednesday, Com 109, 6pm), Svetlana Kasolovic (Com bldg.), or the department chair, Steve Callis in Photo/Humanities, or John Grzywacz-Gray Photo/Humanities.


Students will choose their final projects from a myriad of options including a printed, bound book, an e-book, a magazine, a newletter, a calendar, deck of cards or a CD or DVD with an enclosed booklet. The semester consists of a series of lectures, hands-on exercises and multiple page projects designed to present the past, present and explore the cutting edge of publication design, as well as the design and production features of Adobe InDesign CS5 and Adobe Acrobat.

Moorpark College Course Information
Desktop Publishing I – GR M24A 0
Thursdays, 6 p.m. – 10:50 p.m.

CRN:    31700
Duration:    Jan 10, 2011 – May 17, 2011

Second ‘Power of Print’ ad

The Power of Print® ad

The Power of Print® ad

Print – Alive and Well

Newspapers may be clinging by a thread, but print is by no means dead. Tonight we’ll begin our exploration of InDesign and the evolving world of designing for print publications.

Discover, December 2010

Discover, December 2010

Adobe CS5 for Students and Faculty

Moorpark College students and faculty can get an outrageously cool deal on Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium. The link is for Mac, but it’s available for the same price for Windows platform. If you decide to look at the academic pricing on the new CS5, take special note of the variety of CS5 offerings. Each collection serves up a different mix of programs. For example, CS5-Design Premium includes InDesign, making it the ideal suite of programs for graphic design for print and on the web.  You can see a comparison chart detailing the contents of each of the CS5 collections on the Adobe website.

The Foundation for California Community Colleges’ site, www.collegebuys.org, has unbeatable prices on Adobe and Microsoft software for community college students and faculty, plus more great buys too numerous to mention. Check it out for yourself.

Step and Repeat in InDesign

The step and repeat function in InDesign comes in handy for a number of tasks, and does for prep-press what printers used to do with a process camera. When it comes to preparing files for printing, the set up depends on the type of press the job is printed on. Today, there are a number of reproduction processes that can be used to print a business card, which I’ll cite as an example, since that’s the project we’re currently working on. When choosing a printing process, one must consider the following:

  • Quantity – some printers won’t print under 1000
  • Stock – paper stock may be limited on low-cost business cards
  • Turnaround – fast turnaround times may limit choices of printer to laser process
  • Quality – “you get what you pay for”

We’ll discuss file preparation as it relates to the above considerations and examine how the step-and-repeat feature plays a vital role in cutting production time and costs.

What is Graphic Design?

I typically pose this question at the beginning of every GRM23 class, and I’m usually met by a classroom of blank stares.

John McWade recently posed this question in his online magazine, Before and After, with some interesting responses.