Entries in the 'GRM24 Publishing and Prepress' Category

GRM-24 – Publishing and Prepress Final

FINAL PROJECT PRESENTATION  Thursday, May 16th at 6pm sharp. Final Critique is scheduled for 6pm – 8pm.

Week 9

Spring Break

GRM24 – Week 8

Discover article exercisedue at the end of class tonight, March 7th. If you have not completed your exercise (some have already turned it in), you will turn in whatever you have  completed as of tonight. I’d like the pdf and the InDesign Package sent to me by email, usendit or other web transfer means. Post your layout on our blog.

Tonight the class will review the status of our book project. Students will share their progress with the class. We will determine the book’s size and other specifications so that each student can begin to set up printable files. Determinations will be discussed among the author’s and will be based on:

  • printing and binding capabilities
  • purpose / type of book / audience
  • book’s content – text and images

GRM24 – Week 7

In week 7 we reviewed these InDesign Topics:

  • text flow and threading
  • automatic page numbering
  • automatic jump lines
  • paragraph rules
  • inline graphics
  • style sheets: paragraph, character, and object styles

Menu exercise – use style sheets to recreate one of the panels in the Melrose Café Menu. Sample menu handed out in class. Submit by email when complete. Due at the end of class.

We also discussed our book project. Students are to come to class Week 8 with an outline of the content to be included in their chosen chapters. Students will begin to thumbnail concepts onto 2-page spreads in Week 8.

GRM24 – Week 6

Tonight we will continue duplicating the Discover magazine layout we began last week. We will review features such as:

  • text threading
  • text wraps
  • jump lines
  • column spanning
  • captions and text wraps
  • drop caps
  • style sheets
  • pdf vs. package

We will finalize the chapter assignments for the book tonight and we will discuss the final project in more detail.

Due at the end of class. Everyone must send their Level 3 files to me by email. Also, I expect everyone to be reporting attendance by email every week or you will be counted as absent.

GRM 24 – Week 5

Our class has decided to create a book on publishing and prepress, covering each topic area in a separate chapter that is presented in such a manner that a child could understand.

Possible topic areas for our book project:

  1. substrates, papers and paper finishes 
  2. printing processes and types of printers – Myriam
  3. print finishes – Paul
  4. bindery and binding methods – Kara Keeler
  5. color models – Robert Pearson
  6. bleeds – Robert Pearson
  7. folds – Kara Keeler
  8. imposition – Joshua
  9. rasters and vectors – Paul
  10. resolution – Joshua
  11. 4-color process / spot colors – Kara Edwall
  12. image capture devices – Kara Edwall
  13. font formats – Maria
  14. image file formats – Monica
  15. Acrobat – Myriam
  16. measurement systems – Michelle
  17. copyright and trademarks – Maria
  18. proofreaders symbols – Monica
  19. proofing methods
  20. glossary of terms – Michelle

Can you think of other topics that should be included in our book? Each student must choose two topics to write and illustrate.

Tonight we will create a template that will be the basis for each student’s chapters. We will all create documents with the same page size, margins and automatic page numbering. We will also work on some dummy layouts to prepare for creating our book in InDesign.

Your chapter of the book is Due April 25th, 2013 for the first proofing.

GRM24 – Week 4

Part II – Tight comps with color proofs – due tonight Feb. 7.

Tonight we will have a group review of everyone’s color proofs. These are your “proof prints,” the last step before sending your files to the printer for reproduction.

We will also continue our discussion of the book project, which is as of now, loosely described as an easy reference book for publishing and prepress presented in a way that a child could understand. We’ll break the book down into its parts tonight. They might be broken down into something like:

  • substrates
  • color models
  • reproduction methods,

with each part referenced as a “Chapter.”  Tonight we’ll assign each student with a Chapter to be completed in time for the printing and bindery of 17 books.

During lecture, we’ll take a look at a short run print job, and discuss steps the photographer, designer and printer can take to achieve pleasing color in print and how to predict color by the number.

GRM-24 Week 3

More on Color Models

In Week 2’s class, we learned the similarities in the Illustrator and InDesign document setup as pertains to bleeds, margins and accessing and selecting colors. We discussed the how each of the color models is used in the workflow, and how ink color models, papers, and print finishes can increase the prepress and production time (often done by the designer) and printing costs.

This week as we look at your rough comps, due tonight, you’ll begin the setup of your business card in InDesign or Illustrator.

Having had an overview of the color models:

  • RGB
  • CMYK / Process
  • SPOT / Pantone, UV, Varnish, Emboss, Die, Foil, “Akufoil”

and having had the opportunity to get your books and complete your reading, in Week 3’s class we’ll take a closer look at color models as we set up our press-ready business card files. Check back here often as I update the evening’s agenda.

We’ll examine a variety of instructive color charts from a typical color digital printers and presses

We’ll Compare the output device color charts to the color you print from your “proof” printer, then from a digital laser in order to see if there are any color shifts.

Part I – Rough comps for a logo and business card design with low res (72dpi minimum) proofs – due tonight

Tonight we’ll discuss the final project, which will be a group book project. We’ll brainstorm the content and take chapter assignments.

GRM-24 Week 2

This week we will begin a discussion of Color Management

A Printer is a Printer is a Printer – Check out the sidebar on p. 27 of the Cohen book, From Design Into Print, herein after referred to as FDIP.

The objective is to understand the digital workflow and the process of preparing the digital file to print properly for a variety of print processes. For example, a bleed vs. no bleed, Spot UV or Foil Stamp, Special Folds or Cuts, Card Stock vs. Cover Stock.

  • Color modes/models beginning with the Camera and Photoshop and ending in ink
  • RGB>CMYK – What all the hullabaloo? Color Mode Bit Depth Chart, p. 80 FDIP
  • Understanding Color Gamut
  • Resolution
  • Bleeds
  • Imposition
  • Time and money-saving techniques – step and repeat

Project #1 – Business Card Design
Objective: Create a press-ready business card file for three different variations on the theme with the goal of three price-points: low, medium and high.
Part I – Rough comps for a logo and business card design with low res (72dpi minimum) proofs – due Jan. 31.
Part II – Tight comps with color proofs – due Feb. 7.
Part III – Final press ready PDF and Package Files – due Feb. 14.


Sign Up Now for Desktop Publishing

GR M24 Desktop Publishing, AKA GR M25 Publication Design.

This is a critically important class for students in graphic design, journalism, photography, art, humanties, or anyone who finds the need to publish.

Hurry and sign up now to take this production-oriented design class that starts in the January 2011 spring semester at Moorpark College. You need to register and pay for this class in the next two weeks to assure your place before it fills up!

Some students have reported difficulties registering online due to the possible lack of a pre-requiste. This obstacle can be overcome by getting a waiver obtained and signed by either Nancy Haberman (Wednesday, Com 109, 6pm), Svetlana Kasolovic (Com bldg.), or the department chair, Steve Callis in Photo/Humanities, or John Grzywacz-Gray Photo/Humanities.


Students will choose their final projects from a myriad of options including a printed, bound book, an e-book, a magazine, a newletter, a calendar, deck of cards or a CD or DVD with an enclosed booklet. The semester consists of a series of lectures, hands-on exercises and multiple page projects designed to present the past, present and explore the cutting edge of publication design, as well as the design and production features of Adobe InDesign CS5 and Adobe Acrobat.

Moorpark College Course Information
Desktop Publishing I – GR M24A 0
Thursdays, 6 p.m. – 10:50 p.m.

CRN:    31700
Duration:    Jan 10, 2011 – May 17, 2011