Tonight’s lecture will review text flow and formatting in InDesign, with an emphasis on indents and tabs, tables, paragraph formatting and a brief introduction to styles. The corresponding material can be found in Publication Design Workbook, pages 34-53, and in the Bible, Part IV – Chapters 14-21.
Tonight is the last night to work in the lab on your magazine layout. The completed layouts are due at the beginning of next week’s class, on Feb. 28. You can send your pdf file any time prior to the beginning of class the 28th. Bring your prints to class.
The page layout and the typography should match the original as closely as possible. That means that you’ll need to key-in the type, if you haven’t already done so, in order to match the type size, leading, line lengths, etc.
Make sure to keep everything pertaining to the job/assignment in your folder, including a job sheet listing the objectives and specs of the job, a printed xerox copy of the original, or the original layout. Each working copy that you print should be included in the folder, along with any notes you make to yourself about changes that need to be made along the way. Also, include your final printed layout. When you turn in your job/assignment, your folder must come with it (we made an exception with the business card, because the envelope and letterhead were part of the assignment. I want to see your folders on those assignments, as well. The ability to check your folders each week, gives me the greatest opportunity to analyze the progression of your work and plus, it gives me a tangible way to give you feedback.
For now, the easiest way to create the job/assignment sheet is to copy the post directly from the internet. Paste it into an InDesign File, and follow the workflow i.e. Export to Acrobat>Print. In a couple of weeks, one of your assignments will be to create a form for the job/assignment sheet. Watch for a complete Job Description in a future post.
Filed under: GRM24 Publishing and Prepress, Moorpark College by nancy - No Comments →