Entries in the 'Instructor Posts' Category

GRM23 – Visual Technologies Final

FINAL PROJECT PRESENTATION  due Monday May 20th at 12:30pm sharp. Final Critique is scheduled for 12:30pm – 2:30pm.

GRM-24 – Publishing and Prepress Final

FINAL PROJECT PRESENTATION  Thursday, May 16th at 6pm sharp. Final Critique is scheduled for 6pm – 8pm.

GRM 23 Week 12

PROJECT TWO: Greeting Card Set (1,4,5,6)
 Use Adobe Illustrator to create four illustrations that demonstrate a visual theme and continuity among the “set.” Use the “seal exercise” or similar logo or emblem for the back of the greeting cards. Detailed description of the Greeting Card assignment

Due April 10th – Postponed until Wednesday, April 17th

GRM23 – Week 10

Welcome Back. I hope you all had a pleasant and productive Spring Break. We continue to practice making paths with Illustrator’s pen and editing tools.We’ll also continue our study of the transformation tools, gradients and patterns. We’ll wind down the introduction of Illustrator with a look at its 3D capabilities, and we’ll learn how to work with the Type tools by completing at Type Exercise I call “The Seal.”  Due Wedensday, April 10th.

Week 9

Spring Break

GRM24 – Week 8

Discover article exercisedue at the end of class tonight, March 7th. If you have not completed your exercise (some have already turned it in), you will turn in whatever you have  completed as of tonight. I’d like the pdf and the InDesign Package sent to me by email, usendit or other web transfer means. Post your layout on our blog.

Tonight the class will review the status of our book project. Students will share their progress with the class. We will determine the book’s size and other specifications so that each student can begin to set up printable files. Determinations will be discussed among the author’s and will be based on:

  • printing and binding capabilities
  • purpose / type of book / audience
  • book’s content – text and images

GRM24 – Week 7

In week 7 we reviewed these InDesign Topics:

  • text flow and threading
  • automatic page numbering
  • automatic jump lines
  • paragraph rules
  • inline graphics
  • style sheets: paragraph, character, and object styles

Menu exercise – use style sheets to recreate one of the panels in the Melrose Café Menu. Sample menu handed out in class. Submit by email when complete. Due at the end of class.

We also discussed our book project. Students are to come to class Week 8 with an outline of the content to be included in their chosen chapters. Students will begin to thumbnail concepts onto 2-page spreads in Week 8.

GRM23 – Week 8


  • Oscar, the weiner dog (photo)
  • Magnolia Lion (line drawing) – extra credit
    due March 20th   (4,5,6)

Upon completion of the two exercises above, students can expect to gain a basic understanding of:

  1. Strokes and fills
  2. Using and transforming swatch library patterns
  3. The stacking order and Layers
  4. Practicing path transitions

Strokes, Fills, Layers, Patterns


  1. Introducing the Pen Tool in Photoshop and Illustrator (4,5,6)
  2. The Illustrator Workspace (4,5,6)
  3. Chapter 12, Introduction to Adobe Illustrator

March 11–15 is spring break…early, no?

Lecture will include a discussion of transformations. We’ll also discuss the remaining exercises and project and how we’ll fill out the remainder of the semester after spring break, including the poster project with the postponed deadline.

GRM23 – Week 7

Transition from Raster to Vector
Catch-up Week –
2-18-13, President’s Day Holiday took a bite out of the schedule, with this week being a transition from the pen tool in Photoshop, to the introduction to the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator, a vector program.

We begin our study of Adobe Illustrator with practice templates, which introduce the Illustrator path. Templates are located in the right sidebar in the Illustrator section.

  • Curve Template
  • Corner Template
  • Maple Leaf Template

When you have completed the templates you will understand:

  • Terminology: Path, anchor point, Direction Lines, Handles, Bezier Curves, Click and Release, Click and Drag
  • Tools for editing Paths: Pen Tool, Add Anchor Point, Subtract Anchor Point, Convert Anchor Point, Fill and Stroke, Selection Tools


GRM24 – Week 6

Tonight we will continue duplicating the Discover magazine layout we began last week. We will review features such as:

  • text threading
  • text wraps
  • jump lines
  • column spanning
  • captions and text wraps
  • drop caps
  • style sheets
  • pdf vs. package

We will finalize the chapter assignments for the book tonight and we will discuss the final project in more detail.

Due at the end of class. Everyone must send their Level 3 files to me by email. Also, I expect everyone to be reporting attendance by email every week or you will be counted as absent.