Entries in the '' Category

PrintFest 2008

Change is in the air, but not in Long Beach. Formerly the Gutenberg Festival which was held annually in Long Beach for most of its years, PrintFest 2008 is this Friday, March 28 from 11am-6pm and Saturday March 29 from 10am-5pm at the Anaheim Convention Center.

GR M24 I & II Week 11

Announcement: I will be available M-W evenings in my Simi Valley studio through the end of the semester by appt. from 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Tonight we will review your publication dummies and create a structure and hierarchy for text and graphics content. We will study master pages and discuss how styles sheets and master pages help establish continuity throughout a publication.

GR M24 I & II Week 10

GRM24 I & II Week 9

You can spend class time working in the lab. Continue working on your menus and send a pdf of your progress.

As we move forward and begin to concentrate on the final project, I’ll expect weekly reports demonstrating your progress towards the completed publication.

If you haven’t already turned in a description of your final project, be sure to email it tonight.

Tonight’s class is the last class before spring break. So we won’t meet again until March 27. That will give you two weeks to complete tonight’s assignments. I want you to make dummies for your publication. The dummy publication should be a physical representation of the final product. It doesn’t have to be the same size as the final publication, but it should be the same proportions and should have the same number of pages, including covers. In creating your dummy, carefully consider the binding, folds, and how you print your publication. They are determining factors on how your pages impose, and how you layout your InDesign pages.
Publication Design, Roy Nelson: read the section that applies to you. Magazine, Newletter, Book, etc. These chapter will help you understand the contextual and visual hierarchy of each type of publication. The publication should be a minimum of 12 pages, not including covers (front, back, and inside front and back).

InDesign Bible: Read pages 199-212, This section explains master pages and why you need them. To create automatic page numbering, reference p. 572.

Graphic Arts Internship

Hello Graphic Arts People!

I have recieved an announcement for non-paid and paid interships at the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. I work with Ranger Sheila (pronounce SHY-la) Braden with biology interns and their experience is invaulable.

If you have some special students please refer them to Sheila Braden. They can also download an application online (if they google NPS Santa Monica Mountians).

Potential interns can contact Audry Furrel for college credit.

Please spread the word.

Thank you!

Kath Courtney

GRM24 I & II Week 8

Hey there! It’s midterm, and I’m ditching. Actually, I had to make an emergency trip to Las Vegas. Like we haven’t heard that one before. I’ll let you know how that turned out next week.

In the meantime, I want you to continue working on your menu assignment using what you’ve learned about character and paragraph formatting, as well as style sheets and inline graphjics. If you get stuck, use the InDesign Bible index to find the chapters that explain style sheets.

I’d like you work in the classroom during what is normally the lecture time. That way if anyone gets stuck, or doesn’t understand something, you can help each other. Please email your menus to me directly after class so that I can evaluate your progress. Bring a printed copy to class on March 13th.


Recreate the Melrose Café Menu. For this part of the assignment, choose a section of the menu: appetizers, gourmet salads, chicken, pasta, etc. and recreate it. Include the pizza section. The section headers contain inline graphics, but the graphic elements you use for the menu headers can be different from the graphics used in the Melrose Cafe menu.


  1. Input text and graphics content
  2. Format text and tag with Character and Paragraph styles
  3. Employ “space” after for paragraph settings
  4. Use Leaders for food prices
  5. Understand indents and tab alignments
  6. Using Paragraph Rules

The next assignment will be a follow-up to the menu where we will work on creating a layout for the menu. This will be a tri-fold “brochure,” so begin thinking about how the menu will be presented to the customer.