Entries in the '' Category

Photoshop Layer Basics

The purpose of these two exercises is to give students a understanding of how raster images and their layers behave.

Why Design Wise words from design authorities, reading assignments, et al.

Making Selections – In-class exercise

Spheres – In-class exercise – due sept. 10 by the beginning of class.

  • Beginning Layers
  • Marquee Selections
  • Simple Gradients
  • Modifying the edge of a selection


Attach an image with your attendance

Each week you need to attach a unique image to the email with your attendance report. Click for a full explanation.

Reading Assignment 8-24-09

GR M24

Design It Yourself, Logos, Letterheads, & Business Cards. The Non-Designer’s Step-By-Step Guide, by Chuck Green

pages 42-43

Business Card Exercise

Next week’s objectives (08-24-09)

  • Understand the InDesign Workspace
  • Create a new, custom sized document
  • Working with bleeds
  • Basic text tool, text and picture frames
  • Basic typesetting and formatting
  • Place images
  • Size and crop images


Business Card – follow this tutorial to practice some of the tools used to set up a business card. In Monday’s class we will review process and techniques for layout and production of the business card using your original material. There are no restrictions on subject matter or content for the business card, so in this case when we refer to business card, we are specifically speaking of a 3.5 inch x 2 inch page size with a .125 inch bleed.

Here are a couple of must-see videos from “the past.” Enjoy.

Shopping from home in 1999

Apple’s Knowledge Navigator

Reading assignments – 8-17-09

GRM-24 – Desktop Publishing

Publication Design Workbook, A Real-World Design Guide, by Timothy Samara

Pages 1-33
Topic Areas Covered:

Thinking – Content, Message, Organization

  • concept and content
  • evaluating and organizing: section and sequence
  • the many forms of content
  • color as communication
  • type as visual concept

Getting it Printed, by Eric Kenly and Mark Beach

Pages 1-21
Topic Areas Covered:

Planning for Results

  • precision planning
  • timely scheduling
  • optimal quantities
  • compelling quality
  • matching cost and value
  • planning workflows
  • service expectation
  • involving your printer
  • working with production managers
  • copyright concerns

Publication Design, by Roy Paul Nelson

Pages 1-28
Topic Areas Covered:

Chapter 1 – The Emergence of Publication Design

  • the design of magazines
  • the design of newspapers
  • the design of books
  • the design of miscellaneous publication
  • the role of the art director
  • the art director’s background
  • working with photographers and illustrators
  • working with writers
  • the realities of art direction
  • bringing in a consultant
  • the exercise of taste

The Folder

Click here to learn the requirements for creating and organizing “The Folder.”


Click here for a copy of the assignment-sheet, to be used to record all the information related to each project assigned.

Click here for Assignment Sheet Instructions to create your own version of the assignment sheet.

Format: (How to submit your assignments for critique and grading purposes)

  1. Digital file (jpg or pdf) attached to email and sent to the instructor. This is due promptly upon completion of the assignment.
  2. A jpg (maximum size 400×600 pixels @ 72 ppi) for posting on the blog.
  3. Print and turn in with completed assignment folder.
  4. A copy of the assignment sheet is to be printed and assembled into a new folder and turned in with each printed assignment.