Entries in the '' Category

Create & Edit Paths in Adobe Illustrator

Last week we had an introduction to Adobe Illustrator. Download the three Illustrator templates you’ll find in the Illustrator link on the right side of this page. Templates do not have to be printed…No Folder Necessary. But, you do need to email the completed exercises to me, and they are due tonight, Oct. 29th.

In tonight’s class, we’ll:

  • review of the pen tool for creating and editing paths
  • examine the object drawing tools
  • learn to assign attributes to an object’s appearance
  • learn secrets of transformation (just in time for Halloween)
  • turn photos into vector art
  • and we’ll begin a new…

HOMEWORK PROJECT: Set of Four (or more) Greeting Cards

  • all cards must adhere to a theme
  • cards can be A2s, A6s, or A7s and must include an envelope that fits (we’ll learn how to make our own envelopes, printing the envelope is optional)
  • cards must be tight comps, printed in color

Due at the beginning of class the evening of our Final, Thursday, Dec. 10. The final is scheduled from 6 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Intro to Style Sheets in InDesign

Today we will begin a closer examination of paragraph and text formatting. We’ll cover and review:

Paragraph Formatting

  • alignment
  • indents & tabs
  • space before & after
  • paragraph rules
  • inline graphics

Character Formatting

  • font, size, leading, color & style
  • tracking, kerning, & baselline shift

Introduction to Style Sheets

You can use the logotype and images from the Melrose Café & Catering for this exercise, or you can download appropriate food images from iStockPhoto or other stock site.

Photo Retouching and Colorizing

We’ll finish up our Photoshop explorations by talking about scanning, retouching and colorizing images. The link here provides reading assignments and assistance in understanding the basic processes involved in photo restoration.

Due at the beginning of class Oct. 29th.

When you turn this project in, it must be complete with a “before” and an “after” image. Since this project involves colorizing, make sure to print in color.

Postcard Cookbook

Click here to link to the instructions for your Halloween Party invitation.

Due Thursday, October. 15, 2009

Magazine Layout in InDesign

Remember to bring a magazine and ruler to class so that you’ll have the necessary tools to duplicate a magazine layout. Because each student will be working on a different layout, I’ll review and approve each layout before you begin the project.

The purpose of duplicating the magazine layout is to give students the  opportunity to learn and practice:

  • measuring and duplicating
  • typography basics — headlines, subheads, captions, bylines, lead-ins/read-in, sandwiches/blurbs, drop caps
  • text formatting, including flowing text between text frames and pages — font, font families, size, style, leading, column widths, horizontal and vertical justification, insets
  • text wraps — offsets, ignore text wrap

Due Monday, October 19th