Entries in the '' Category

Retouch and Repair Damaged Photos

Use this link for the reading assignments. Retouching and repairing old or damaged photographs provides practice with:

  • levels used to adjust tonal values
  • a variety of methods for making selections
  • the cloning tool
  • the cropping tool
  • applying color to a b/w image

Futurist Visions from the Last Century

Blast from the Past…
Here are a couple of must-see videos that have affected the design business from the 60s on. Enjoy.

Shopping from home in 1999 (1967)

Doug Englebart’s Mouse – 1

Doug Englebart’s Mouse – 2 (1968)

Apple’s Knowledge Navigator (1987)

What exciting developments can we look forward to in our future?

GRM23-Haberman Week 1

We begin the process of learning how to capture images and manipulate them in Photoshop. Discussion and hands-on exercises explore:

  • Digital cameras
  • Photoshop’s work environment
  • Color Modes/Models
  • Resolution – ppi, dpi, lpi
  • Masks & Simple Selections
  • Tools & Palettes
  • Brushes
  • Color Picker
  • Introduction to layers
  • Printing from Photoshop overview

Using techniques reviewed in this week’s class, create a self-portrait and attach it to your email attendance. You are required to submit an image with each class attendance email. The images should be representative of the work you did in class during each session. Your images do not have to be complete, and they will not be graded until the folders are turned in.

  1. The image attached to attendance demonstrates that you participated in classroom exercises and activities.
  2. The images indicate you are practicing what you are learning.
  3. The images help to identify your email in a unique and personal manner.



The purpose of these two exercises is to give students a understanding of how raster images and their layers behave.

Why Design Wise words from design authorities, reading assignments, et al.

(Be sure to follow this link to additional reading assignments and exercises.)

Making Selections – In-class exercise

Spheres – In-class exercise – due Jan. 25 beginning of class.

  • Beginning Layers
  • Marquee Selections
  • Simple Gradients
  • Modifying the edge of a selection