Entries in the '' Category

Illustrator – Vectors Generate High Res Graphics


  • Shepard Fairey interview with Terri Gross
  • Layout Workbook – p.72-87 – The Interaction of Visual Elements

Illustrator Templates will be reviewed in class. No folder necessary for this assignment. Just submit digital files.

Guidelines for Submitting Photo Retouching

For each of the two images (Joe & Lou and Fancy Lady) we have been repairing, please turn in the following:

  • Printed Files
  1. Before – the original, unaltered images
  2. After – the completed, repaired, retouched, collaged full color image
  3. File on left side of The Folder – Completed assignment sheet. Any additional notes as desired
  4. File on right side of The Folder in reverse chronological order – printouts of the project at each significant stage of development. Include any communications or notes with further instructions pertaining to development

Joe & Lou – You have a couple of options on how you re-build the Joe & Lou image once you have completed the appropriate repairs.

  1. You can include a new sky, one of your original photos, and render the entire image as a full color image. Using the techniques practiced in class, make everything look natural.
  2. You can select, copy and paste Joe & Lou into one of your original photos.
  • Digital Files

It is not necessary to submit a digital “before” picture for either image. After Only

Due Wednesday, February 17th

Photoshop’s Pen Tool

Today we’ll take a look at Photoshop’s pen tool and learn how to use it for making vector-precise selections. Afterwards, we’ll step up to Adobe Illustrator and take a closer look at the pen tool.

Recap of the ‘Fancy Lady’ exercise

Let’s take a look at the original image as photographed. The original measured about 18×24 inches and was photographed with a Canon Digital Rebel. The client’s objective is to restore the image to match original as closely as possible.

fancy lady before

fancy lady before

It’s important to analyze the image before deciding how and where to begin.  Is this a photograph, a drawing, or both? My impression was that it was very photographic in look and feel, but but definitely hand drawn, possibly from a projected image.

The substrate is a multiple ply, non archival material, discolored from the paper’s acid content.  The only distinguishing mark in the background is the soft blue halo behind the lady. Rather than repair the background, a decision is made to replace it with a brand new digital background that imitates the airbrushed halo in the orignal.

The hat requires repair.

The tear that runs across the neck and chin need repair.

The lady’s dress should be distinct and separate from the background.

Fancy Lady After

Fancy Lady After

Here is an example of the repaired image.

As you look at it, study each element and decide how you would build the image, layer by layer.

From the bottom up, we have the background color layer, the blue halo layer and the lady layer.

As you repeat/complete this exercise, keep the following in mind:

  • make accurate selections
  • pay attention to selection edges
  • remember to deselect when appropriate
  • save a selection for later (select menu)
  • levels applied with an adjustment layer affects all layers below
  • merge selected layers if necessary
  • pay attention to what layer you’re on and the order of your layers

I am frequently asked why I choose one technique over another, or perform one action before another, instead of after.

Sometimes I have a very logical, reasonable reason for doing things in a particular order, but frequently there is no real right or wrong way. There are a myriad of ways. For each problem presented in restoring this image there are dozens of solutions. As designers we are challenged to come up with a creative solution and execute the design within the constraints of time and budget.

Each image presents its own set of unique challenges, and restoring photos can consist of lots of missteps. The path to restoring a photo is not always the straight road that we went down in today’s class. Try starting over to see if you can repeat what we did in class. Take it one step at a time, one layer at a time. Give your layers a logical name so you don’t get confused, and remember, practice makes perfect.

Photoshop Selections continued

Today we continue the retouching exercises by reviewing techniques used on the “Fancy Lady” image, which you will find on the Transfer Volume. The Pen Tool and Photoshop Paths will be introduced. We’ll review your “wild art” photos and choose images to use in a photo collage.  We’ll discuss the purpose…what the collage will be used for…in class.

Reading Assignment: Layout Workbook pp. 52–71 Structure & Organization

Shooting the Campus

Today you will be spending time photographing the college campus. The time period allowed will be announced at the beginning of class. Remember to bring your camera and a cable and a card reader, if necessary, in order to download your photos in class. This shooting assignment is part of the photo retouching project that we began on Wednesday of last week.