Entries in the '' Category

Week 7 Update

Photoshop – Sphere in Action due September 8th

Photoshop  – Photo Retouch Assignment exercises due October 6th at the beginning of class. Follow the instruction supplied with the corresponding links for “Joe Lou” and for “Fancy Lady” for specifics.

Tonight we will begin our exploration of the vector drawing program, Adobe Illustrator, with an overview of the program, then and specifically, the Bezier tool that “made” Adobe Illustrator unique among drawing software, the pen tool.

  • Using the pen tool in Photoshop to make a precise selection
  • Moving from Photoshop to Illustrator
  • Trace over a photograph to create a stylized illustration
  • The Blog “Extras” contains three templates, the curve, corner, and maple leaf template. By practicing and perfecting the path combinations contained in each of the templates, you will gain an understanding of the pen tool fundamentals, basic to all vector illustrations.

NCR’s Terry Gross – Interview with Shepherd Fairey

Explain copyright law, and intellectual property rights as they apply to digital media arts. 250-500 words. Due October 13th at the beginning of class.


Electronic Highway Robbery An Artist’s Guide to Copyrights in the Digital Era by Mary E. Carter (Paperback – July 1996)

Buy it used for $.01.

NPR Terry Gross Interview with Shepard Fairey

Posters by Shepard Fairey

Stephen Heller on Shepard Fairey

United States Copyright Office What is copyright infringement? As a general matter, copyright infringement occurs when a copyrighted work is reproduced, distributed, performed, publicly displayed, or made into a derivative work without the permission of the copyright owner.

Listen to Terry Gross’ Fresh Air Broadcast interviewing the artist, Shepard Fairey, responsible for the now-famous Obama “Hope” poster, and free-lance photographer, Manny Garcia, who took the original photograph published by Associated Press.

Week 5 – Review

Tonight your folders containing the sphere exercise will be returned. Some folders will have comments, such as OK, or Do Over. If your folder says Do Over on the cover, there will be an explanation inside on the left front page. When your folder and the work in it is successfully completed, your points will be recorded. The final part of the project is due tonight, so you can complete your folder and make your final submission during lab.

Photo Retouching Assignment – Use this link to access the reading assignments associated with Photoshop and the photo retouching exercises.