Entries in the '' Category

More on Fills, Transformations, and a little typography

Tonight we’ll continue our exploration of Illustrator’s tools and effects and how to incorporate them into a practical illustrations. We’ll incorporate many of the tools already explored to help in your execution of the Multicultural day logo. You’ll see how gradients are used to simulate chrome in an otherwise difficult photographic situation. We’ll also begin our study of typography and Illustrator’s type handling capabilities.

Illustrator Seal Exercise

Update for 10-19-11

Last week we were lucky to have Ignacio and Zoro Rodriguez visit our GRM23 class. The brothers are former Moorpark College students who own a clothing line called Dos Gallos. They shared their graphic design and illustration portfolios with the GRM23 Visual Technologies and the GRM32 classes in a standing room only presentation. Ignacio who works for Disney shared many of his typical design jobs, while Zoro shared work from Disney and Dreamworks, where he is currently employed. Among the work show were character sketches for G-Force, posters for Cars, and Disney characters on a variety of products.

After the presentation, we reviewed the pen tool and learned how it can be used in Photoshop to create an intricate selection. The purpose is to use it to select and remove the existing background (or make any complex selection) from the “fancy lady” image.

Tonight we’ll continue our study of the pen tool in Adobe Illustrator, with the added objectives of understanding:

  • Illustrator’s Layers
  • Pen tool practice

Fill and stroke techniques, including:

  • Gradients, gradient mesh, patterns, brushes, and pattern brushes
  • Shape Drawing Tools

Exercise: Oscar the weiner dog.


Multi-Cultural Day Poster

Assignment and Contest

It’s not too often that you get an assignment that has the potential to earn you PRIZE MONEY!

Check out the link to the Multicultural Day 2012 Poster. This PDF has all the specifications and a contest entry form.

This assignment is due Nov. 9th.

Contest deadline,  Nov. 10th.

Guest speakers – Los Hermanos Rodriguez

Ignacio and Zoro Rodriguez, of Dos Gallos

Moorpark College alumni, Ignacio and Zoro Rodriguez, will present their design portfolio in the Visual Technologies class at 6pm. tonight, 10-12-11, in Com 109. The brothers have a broad range of experience in the freelance design business. They have published books and have been involved designing for Walt Disney Corporation and are active in the fashion industry. They have also participated triathlons to raise money for charity.

Print Magazine Student Cover Competition

Starting March 15, Print will be accepting submissions for our 2011 Student Cover Competition. This year, we’re asking students to tackle an essential question for designers (and magazines) head-on: What is the future of print design? How will the tangible, ink-on-paper pieces that designers love coexist with design on digital platforms in the years to come? Please create a cover design that addresses this issue and submit it no later than June 30.
Read more at PrintMag.com: Competitions: Student Cover
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