Entries in the '' Category

GRM23—Week 8

PROJECT TWO: Greeting Card Set (1,4,5,6) due April 30th
 Use Adobe Illustrator to create four illustrations that demonstrate a visual theme and continuity among the “set.”

ESSAY: Copyright (7) – due April 11th
 Demonstrate an understanding of intellectual property rights and copyright law as they apply to digital and media arts. Minimum length – 1250 words

  1. Oscar, the weiner dog Exercise (4,5,6) – due March 21st
    Strokes, Fills, Layers, Patterns
  2. Style and Theme

GRM25 – Week 7

We’ll spend tonight on style sheets and examine how they lay the groundwork for advanced formatting that goes beyond simple text formatting. We’ll discuss typographic hierarchy and we’ll see video demonstrating the use of InDesign’s style sheets and how they translate across the media from print to web.

You can use what you learn tonight to complete the text formatting on your calendars.

The calendar project is due next week, Thursday, March 1st.

GRM25 – Week 6

Because we spent much of last week critiquing your posters, we are a bit behind, so this week we will review the character and paragraph palettes. We’ll pay particular attention to indents and tabs, and paragraph rules. Master pages will come in handy for any of your multi-page publications, so we’ll spend some time working with them so you’ll be able to use them on your calendar layouts.


GRM23 – Self-portrait Posters Due Today

Today we will be critiquing your printed self-portrait posters. As a reminder, every assignment needs to be submitted electronically and in a completed Folder. I have received files from three students, which are printed and I will bring them to class. If you have not sent your file to me, you are still required to come to class with your completed 11″x17″ print.

GRM23 Week 6

  1. NPR Radio Show with Terri Gross – Shepard Fairey: Inspiration or Infringement (7)
  2. Electronic Highway Robbery An Artist’s Guide to Copyrights in the Digital Era by Mary E. Carter (Paperback – July 1996. Buy it used)
  3. Discussion (7)

This week we move on to Adobe Illustrator. As we begin to understand the pen tool, we examine more closely the differences between raster and vector graphics. We’ll review popular cultural images and discuss the designer’s role and responsibility as relates to copyright law.

ESSAY: Copyright (7)
Demonstrate an understanding of intellectual property rights and copyright law as they apply to digital and media arts by creating an illustrated “magazine article.”

  • Minimum 1250 written words
  • Maximum body type size – 10 pt./12 pt.
  • Must include photos and/illustrations
  • Minimum number of 8.5″x11″ pages – 4
  • Document must be executed in InDesign and printed using Acrobat

Due Week 11 – Wednesday, March 21st.

GRM25 – Week 5

In tonight’s class, we’ll be turning in our final posters, and working on our calendars which are due next week. We’ll review procedures for creating a “perpetual” calendar so that the date grid needs to be created only a single time.

We’ll also be taking a look at InDesign style sheets. The objective of utilizing style sheets is to reduce the amount of text formatting necessary to complete a document. Be creating a specific style that includes both character and paragraph formatting, one only has to “apply” that style to a paragraph or character selection with a single click or key shortcut to complete its style.

Reading-Meggs pp. 176-231

Reading-Nelson pp. 78-104

GRM25 – Week 4

Week 4

Tonight we’ll look at your posters and move forward with our book projects. We’ll assess the current class enrollment and then make a final decision as to how to proceed with the final projects.

We’ll review concepts introduced in the previous class session.

Final Posters due February 9.


Reading-Meggs pp. 140-175

Reading-Nelson pp. 29-49, 172-194

GRM23 – Week 5

This week continue our exploration of painting in Photoshop, and then segue into Adobe Illustrator where we’ll learn the “in and outs” of the Illustrator Pen Tool.

  1. Software Essentials read pp. 50–75
  2. Introducing the Pen Tool in Photoshop and Illustrator (4,5,6)
  3. The Illustrator Workspace (4,5,6)
  4. Chapter 12, Introduction to Adobe Illustrator

Retouching Project Due Wednesday, February 8th.

As we complete our retouching exercises, we’ll review techniques you will be using in the self-portrait poster.

Finished Size – 11″x17″ printed in color.

Your self portrait poster must consist of all or parts of several images and is due Wednesday, February 15th.