Entries in the '' Category

GRM-25 Week 11

You should be well on your way to completing the redesign and creation of the Menu, which is due April 12th. In your menu, watch for the following:

  • watch your folds
  • set up your grid
  • plan your typographic heirarchy
  • use paragraph styles
  • use character styles when applicable
  • paragraph rules
  • inline graphics
  • anchored graphics

We’ll be reviewing everyone’s progress on the menu.

Tonight we’ll also review the final project by dividing into groups, where we’ll discuss the criteria for each of your projects. Before the class is dismissed, you’ll each be given the remaining assignments for the semester.

GRM23-Week 11

This week you should be refining the illustrations for your greeting cards. We’ll explore Illustrator’s artboards  and continue our discussion of typography in Illustrator. We’ll take a look at some of the differences between Illustrator and InDesign, as well as the Adobe endorsed workflow.

Week 10 – Starting our Greeting Cards

Today, March 19th, on return from Spring Break, your rough sketches for the greeting card images/ideas are due.  We’ll be reviewing the detailed requirements in class. Upcoming deadlines were posted under week eight, so please review so you can be working on these projects. I’ll also be checking folders for all projects that have been assigned to date.

Illustrator Seal Exercise (4,6) due Monday, April 2.

  1. Typography
  2. Illustrator Artboards
  3. Software Essentials read pp. 78-108

Coming up in Week 11

  1. The InDesign workspace
  2. Familiar tools – the pen tool
  3. Set up greeting cards in InDesign
  4. Single vs. Multi-page publication-compare/contrast to Illustrator Artboards (1,4,6)
  5. Corporate Identity slides
  6. 3D and image mapping (1,4,6)

Graduation Information

Just a reminder that the deadline for Spring 2012 graduation/certificates is Thursday, March 22nd.  This information has been posted on the portal, marquees & around campus.

Anyone who files after the 22nd will be processed as a Summer graduate.

Gail Wirth-Gurrola
Assistant Registrar

GRM-25 Week 9

The deadline for the completion of your calendars was to be last week; however, since no one was ready, we spent the time reviewing tabs, paragraph rules, style sheets and master pages. We saw how changing paragraph styles can be as easy as pressing the return key, and how handy that can be on a project like a menu.

Dont forget to bring in the menu you have chosen to redesign and we’ll discuss how to begin the project.

Because it is necessary to move ahead in our schedule, we’ll critique the calendars tonight, and then discuss our magazines and lay the groundwork to begin them in earnest.

It’s time to start creating some buzz about the Media Arts Magazine, Ezine…MAZine…it’s “a MAZine.” Even if you dont plan to work on the media arts magazine, your help on the project is important if it is to succeed.

If you have any classes here at MC in photo, multimedia, or graphic design, encourage your classmates and teachers to submit their projects for possible publication in a multi-platform project–a print magazine and it’s ePub companion, complete with multimedia presentation.

This is a unique opportunity for instructors to promote their classes in the form of an ad or with an article with images. The magazine is a way to promote our students and programs here at Moorpark College.

GRM23 – Week 9

This week we continue to examine Illustrator’s features, taking a closer look illustration styles, and the application of the variety of techniques used to give line its distinct style. Among the techniques covered, we’ll also discuss the appearance of solids, including the use of patterns, gradients, and color models and how they are affected by Illustrator’s transformations.

Topics covered:

  • 4 approaches to transformations
  • Blends & Line
  • Grids & Line
  • Brushes
  • “3D”
  • Anchor Points & “Clean” Line

During the Monday class students were directed to review an article by William Beachy for GoMediaZine, From Sketch to Vector Illustration in preparation for the Greeting Card assignment. For Monday, March 19th on return from Spring Break, bring in rough sketches for the greeting card images/ideas. The cards can contain raster and vector artwork and must be your original work. Don’t be afraid of type.