Entries in the '' Category

GRM23 – Week 6

Tonight we will be discussing your progress on your self-portrait posters. This will involve checking your folders to make sure that you have an assignment sheet and that you understand the assignment and its purpose. We’ll also look at your thumbnails and brainstorming ideas. Bring the journals you have been keeping. Don’t forget your cameras and the cable to the computer just in case you will need it. Some of you may be ready to work on your self-portrait on the computer, scanner or at the very least, research and organize any digital images you might want to use.

We will also be reviewing the two photo retouching assignments which will be due at the beginning of class next week, Oct. 3rd. Be sure to print a “before” and “after” of both images. Files should be submitted in a completed folder. All requirements for turning in assignments are detailed in the syllabus. The proper way to assemble a folder is illustrated here.

This evening’s lecture is an introduction to Painting in Photoshop.


  1. Painting in Photoshop
  2. Chapter 7, File Formats & Compression
  3. Chapter 8, Scanning Guidelines

The following two readings are optional:

  1. Chapter 3, Art and the Computer
  2. More of Diane Fenster’s art

GRM23 – Week 5

READ and REVIEW Chapters 1, 2 and 5 in WSINYE

During the first 60-90 minutes of class, you may use the time to work on your photo retouching exercises and reading so that we can  review the 5-step process for approaching the self-portrait project:

  1. Research – this process should include gathering of images that could possibly be used in the illustration–don’t be too selective at this point. Journal (write it down) any important words or themes that add mood or emotion in type and image
  2. Brainstorm – stream of consciousness process involving recording thoughts, words, image ideas, without eliminating, being selective or critical of the idea
  3. Thumbnail – small drawings done in correct proportion to finished piece suggest a variety of layouts, or composition of visual and typographic images
  4. Roughs – this is where the process of assembling the parts together into a series of increasingly refined images
  5. Comps – this is the press proof–the closest possible facsimile of the final reproduction

PROJECT ONE: Self-Portrait Poster – Trim Size 11”x17” (1,3,4,5,6)

DUE Week 8

Objectives: Use Photoshop to assemble images and/or part of images that form a multi-faceted picture of “you.” You should be including images and word/s, positioning them in a composition that leads the readers’ eye through the image using the Four Design Principles boiled down by Robin Williams: Contrast, Repetition, Alignment and Proximity (CRAP). The Elements of Design include line, shape, form, color, texture, and space. Chapter 5 in WSINYE discusses seven elements and seven design principles. We will discuss these concepts in class tonight by examining some of the posters from last semester.

  • The final printed image should be trimmed 11″x17″
  • If your image bleeds (no white border) then it must be printed on 12″x18″ or larger and trimmed
  • Print 4:0 (full color front, no printing on back) on 28 lb. laser or better

Tonight we are going to spend more time in Photoshop working on the Photo Retouching exercises. By completing these two exercises, you should acquire the necessary skills to complete your self-portrait project which will NOT be due on week 6 as listed in the syllabus. We are going to push the self-portrait due date forward to be DUE Week 8.

Technology’s Radical Change

Take a look at the tools of the trade pre-Macintosh. This overview of paste-up was how my education is graphic arts began, so you can see how radically the technology has changed. What do you think will come next?

GRM23 – Week 4

This week we’re going to have that “pop quiz” I told you about last week.

It is labeled a quarter term quiz, meaning nothing more than we are about 1/4 of the way through the semester. My how time flies! If you’ve kept up with the reading through week 3, you should do just fine on the quiz. We’ll review the questions, take some photos and download them, as well as answer any questions you might have about any of our assignments and the material we covered in our first three weeks.

 Blast from the Past…

Enjoy. Shopping from home in 1999 (1967) Doug Englebart’s Mouse – 1 Doug Englebart’s Mouse – 2 (1968) Apple’s Knowledge Navigator (1987) What exciting developments can we look forward to in our future?
Here are a couple of must-see videos that have affected the design business from the 60s on. Enjoy.

  1. Photo Retouching Exercises (3,4,5,6)
  2. Discussion (2)


Shepard Fairey Update

Case Concludes

GRM-23 Week 3 (fall 2012)

Okay, I get it. You’re wondering how to use this website. There are two main pages that you’ll want to check on the website.


The home page contains a listing of everything that’s ever been posted in reverse chronological order. This is where you will find the most up-to-date class-related information.

The left and right columns on the page provide shortcuts to links that are categorized in a variety of ways. The links can be other posts, pdf files, or other websites. Each has information relevant to topics covered during the course of our class.


This is a separate page containing an outline with a prospectus of what should occur each week in the semester.

Tonight’s Class

Be sure to bring your camera and the cable that allows you to connect to and download to the computer. We will be doing some exercises to help jump start your self-portrait project.

Because we the Assignment Sheet Project flowed over into week two, we did not have the opportunity to complete the sphere exercise, which we will complete in class this evening. The remainder of the outline

  1. The Folder (3,6)
    How to prepare and submit Assignments
  2. White Space read Chapter 1, 2; pp. 1–20
  3. Spheres Exercise (4,5,6)
  4. PROJECT ONESelf Portrait Poster – due week 6 – (1,3,4,5,6)
    Brainstorm approaches to a self-portrait
    Create thumbnails (3)
  5. Photo Retouching Exercises (3,4,5,6)
  6. Readings-Chapter 5
  7. Chapter 6, Photoshop Magic
  8. Chapter 7, File Formats & Compression
  9. Chapter 8, Scanning Guidelines
  10. Discussion (2)