Entries in the '' Category

GRM23 – Week 4.2

Today we will discuss Chapters 1 & 2 from White Space is Not Your Enemy, and how you can incorporate the practices outlined into your Folder.

GRM23 – Week 4

  1. White Space read Chapter 2, pp. 9—20
  2. Photo Retouching Exercises (3,4,5,6) Due Monday, February 24th at the beginning of class
  3. Chapter 6, Photoshop Magic
  4. Chapter 7, File Formats & Compression
  5. Chapter 8, Scanning Guidelines
  6. Discussion (2)

Com 109 Lab Hours

NEWS FLASH! Open Lab hours have officially begun — like, 7-minutes ago!
If you need to come in and use our computers, COM 109 is open.
Tuesday and Thursday
8:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. & 3:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Monday & Wednesday
8:30 a.m. –10:30 a.m
We will be adding more hours as soon as we can.
If you’re around, come on in and get some work done… — at Communications Building @Moorpark College.

Self-Portrait Project – Photoshop

WATCH this post for updates to the project…Due Wednesday, Feb. 12th at the beginning of class

• Conceptual – using images that may be captured from a camera, scanner, video frames, or the web *, create a collage expressing the “essential you.”

File Specifications:

  1. Size – 11.25″ x 17.25″
  2. Resolution – 300 ppi
  3. Color Model – RGB
  4. Submit folders on the day of the project deadline and files over 1Mb via DropBox, Hightail or other free Cloud service

Requirements – Must Contain:

  • elements from a minimum of 12 different images
  • type element(s)


  1. Demonstrate an understanding of the tools and techniques covered in Photoshop to date
  2. Contents of your folder should demonstrate that you have read and put into practice the strategies outlined in the first few chapter of “White Space…”.





GRM23 – Week 2


  1. White Space read Chapter 1, pp. 1–8
  2. Spheres Exercise (4,5,6) due Wednesday, Feb. 5 at the beginning of class
  3. Readings-Chapter 5
  4. PROJECT ONE Poster –  (1,3,4,5,6)
    Brainstorm approaches to a self-portrait
    Create thumbnails (3)
  5. Discussion (2)

GRM23 – Week 1 Photoshop Knockoffs

During the semester we will be working with the Adobe Creative Suite, which includes Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign and Acrobat. If you want to work at home and do not care to sign up for the Adobe Creative Cloud, you may be able to work on your Photoshop assignments using either Gimp or Pixelmator. Gimp is a free PS imitator and works with either Mac or PC. Pixemator is Mac only, and runs $29.95. Both programs export to Photoshop. While neither is as feature-laden as Photoshop, either should suffice for the work we will be doing in GRM23. If, however, you can swing the monthly fee for the Creative Suite, that will be preferable, giving you access to all the software we will use during the course of the semester.

Welcome, GRM23 – Spring 2014

  1. Syllabus Review
  2. Reading-IntroductionChapter 1 & Chapter 2 (1,2)
  3. In-class exercises (1,4,5)
  4. Understanding the “Blog”
  5. The Folder (3,6)How to prepare and submit Assignments
  6. The Photoshop Workspace (6)Photoshop Tools