GRM24 – Week 4

Part II – Tight comps with color proofs – due tonight Feb. 7.

Tonight we will have a group review of everyone’s color proofs. These are your “proof prints,” the last step before sending your files to the printer for reproduction.

We will also continue our discussion of the book project, which is as of now, loosely described as an easy reference book for publishing and prepress presented in a way that a child could understand. We’ll break the book down into its parts tonight. They might be broken down into something like:

  • substrates
  • color models
  • reproduction methods,

with each part referenced as a “Chapter.”  Tonight we’ll assign each student with a Chapter to be completed in time for the printing and bindery of 17 books.

During lecture, we’ll take a look at a short run print job, and discuss steps the photographer, designer and printer can take to achieve pleasing color in print and how to predict color by the number.

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