Line Composition in Adobe Illustrator
Using straight lines only, create an abstract composition in Adobe Illustrator. All paths must be composed of two anchor points only, connected by a line segment. Using only black (no colors). Concentrate on the principles of design as you create your composition. The following key principles of contrast, repetition, alignment, and proximity should be reviewed when asking yourself how you might create visual interest in an abstract illustration.
Of all the elements in art, line is the most familiar to us. Since most tools that we use for writing and drawing are pointed, we have been making lines constantly since we were young children. What is a line? Other than a mark made by a pointed tool, it is a form that has length and width, but the width is so tiny compared to the length that we perceive line as having only one dimension. Geometry defines a line as an infinite number of points. The usual art definition of a line is a moving dot…Line is capable of infinite variety…A line is a minimum statement, made quickly with a minimum of effort but seemingly able to convey all sorts of moods and feelings.
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