Shepard Fairey – Mannie Garcia – Associated Press
Posted on March 10th, 2011 by nancy
In Monday’s class we listened to Terry Gross’ Shepard Fairey interview which centers on his now infamous “Obama Hope” poster. After the interview we discussed copyright and how it might apply in this situation, and where one might draw the line when it comes to using another artist’s work as inspiration, or origination. Based on the interview, our discussion and your further research into this case, write and 3-page essay response, citing the legal and ethical issues involved. Please distinguish between fact, or law, and your opinions as you understand and interpret this case, citing your sources on an additional addendum page.
- 3 pages + footnotes
- 12/24 pt. Times-12 pt. type with 24 pt. leading.
- 75″ margins
- numbered pages
- staple pages together
- no folder
- Include your Name and a Title on the first page
Due Monday, March 21st
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