GRM23 – Week 9

This week we continue to examine Illustrator’s features, taking a closer look illustration styles, and the application of the variety of techniques used to give line its distinct style. Among the techniques covered, we’ll also discuss the appearance of solids, including the use of patterns, gradients, and color models and how they are affected by Illustrator’s transformations.

Topics covered:

  • 4 approaches to transformations
  • Blends & Line
  • Grids & Line
  • Brushes
  • “3D”
  • Anchor Points & “Clean” Line

During the Monday class students were directed to review an article by William Beachy for GoMediaZine, From Sketch to Vector Illustration in preparation for the Greeting Card assignment. For Monday, March 19th on return from Spring Break, bring in rough sketches for the greeting card images/ideas. The cards can contain raster and vector artwork and must be your original work. Don’t be afraid of type.


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