Scanning Assignment

A step by step guide to scanning.

Assignment: You will scan three different pieces at 100%–line art, continuous tone, and a 3-dimensional object. Use the same image, scanning each at four different resolutions–36ppi, 72ppi, 150ppi and 300ppi. You will end up with a total of 12 scans. Note the following information on each file and printout:

  1. Mode, or color model (eg. bitmap, grayscale, RGB, CMYK)
  2. Pixel dimensions
  3. File size in inches
  4. File size in kilobytes or megabytes
  5. Resolution

Use Photoshop’s “File Info” under the file menu to record your findings as a “Caption.” The caption will not print unless you go into the Page Setup menu and make sure that “Caption” has a check mark next to it. If your image is too large, there will not be enough room for the caption to print. If this happens, you can handwrite the information on the front or back of the printout.
You should end up with 12 files and 12 printouts which should be turned in; in addition save a second copy for your archives.

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