Week 10 – Starting our Greeting Cards

Today, March 19th, on return from Spring Break, your rough sketches for the greeting card images/ideas are due.  We’ll be reviewing the detailed requirements in class. Upcoming deadlines were posted under week eight, so please review so you can be working on these projects. I’ll also be checking folders for all projects that have been assigned to date.

Illustrator Seal Exercise (4,6) due Monday, April 2.

  1. Typography
  2. Illustrator Artboards
  3. Software Essentials read pp. 78-108

Coming up in Week 11

  1. The InDesign workspace
  2. Familiar tools – the pen tool
  3. Set up greeting cards in InDesign
  4. Single vs. Multi-page publication-compare/contrast to Illustrator Artboards (1,4,6)
  5. Corporate Identity slides
  6. 3D and image mapping (1,4,6)

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