GRM25 Publication Design

GRM25 Syllabus
Spring 2012

Nancy Haberman

GRM25 covers the design of multi-page publications, currently using InDesign for both electronic and printed production. Explores the issues and possibilities involved in the design and projection of newsletters, catalogs, books and publications. Emphasizes the sequential organization of text and visual material, typographic structures, format and presentation.

This Class Meets Thursdays from 6:00 p.m. to 10:50. in Com. 109
Best Ways to Reach Me:
Email: (It is important that you type GRM25 in the subject line so that your email is not classified as spam.)

Special Needs: If you have a disability, you are encouraged to contact ACCESS at 378-1461. Their office is just to the right of the Campus Center Building. They will help you determine what assistance is available for you.

Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students should be able to:

  1. dentify and analyze the historical emergence of publication design
  2. develop or redesign the concept and content of a publication and organize sections and sequence using thumbnails
  3. develop or redesign the structure and organization using the grid system and visual hierarchy to create multiple page layouts that guide the reader in navigating through content
  4. apply principles of typeface selection, designing with type and relationship between images and typography to express emotion and convey content in a publication
  5. demonstrate proficiency working with digital technologies to design and produce publication for print and web
  6. demonstrate proficiency working with printing processes to design and produce a print publication

Meggs’ History of Graphic Design, 5th Edition
– Philip B. Meggs & Alston W. Purvis, Wiley 2012
Layout Essentials, 100 Design Principles for Using Grids
– Beth Tondreau, Rockport 2009
Publication Design, 5th Edition
– Roy Paul Nelson, Wm. C. Brown Publishers 1991 (buy used through Amazon)

MATERIALS: plastic pica ruler, printer’s loupe, flash drive, manila folders, self-adhesive metal fasteners

PROJECT ONE: Poster and Flyer (1,4,5,6)
Using the grid to create visual hierarchy in a single page layout, publication design students will create a poster announcing the Media Arts Magazine and requesting the submissions from graphic design, multimedia and photography. Due: Week 3

PROJECT TWO: Themed Calendar . (2–6)
Choose an historical design style highlighting important figures and/or events and related content. Incorporate student artwork and attribute to appropriate artist

MIDTERM: Brochure or Menu (2,4,5,6)
Redesign an existing Menu using the grid to create visual hierarchy in a multiple-page, and/or multi-panel layout

FINAL PROJECT: Media Arts Magazine (2–6)
Showcase and Promote Graphic Design, Multimedia, Photography in a multi-page publication.

Publication Design students will communicate with students and faculty in the appropriate disciplines to collect and edit all content (text and images), design and create files to print press proofs for a Media Arts Magazine.

Week 1

1)    Review Syllabus
2)    Discuss Final Project-Graphic Design, Multi-media and photography magazine
3)    Introductions
4)    Introduction to InDesign

  •  Organization of project progress, introduces typography and tables used for forms in InDesign
    (1)  document Setup Dialog
    (2)  rulers
    (3)  ruler guides
    (4)  Columns and margins – specifying and changing
    (5)  Importing text and graphics
    (6)  Resizing and cropping graphics
    (7)  Formatting text – character and paragraph palettes
    (8)  Introduction to Indents and tabs
    (9)  Basic printing
  • b)    Typography Overview
    (1)  Character Formatting
    (2)  Paragraph Formatting
    (3)  Tabs & Tables

5)    Discuss Project 1, due week 3

6)    Reading-Meggs pp. 1-63. The visual message from prehistory through the medieval era

Week 2

  1. Reading-Meggs pp. 64-97
  2. Reading-Layout Essentials – This book is essentially a captioned picture-book and can be read at your own pace.
  3. Exercise – magazine layout
  4. Duplicate the magazine layout
  5. Create a layer that illustrates the grid’s component and struture (Layout Essentials)
  6. Create a layer that identifies each of the typographic elements on the page (Nelson, 91–104)

Week 3

Reading-Meggs pp. 98-139

Reading-Nelson pp. 1-28, 146-172

1)    Begin Project 2 – Themed Calendar due week 6

  • a)    More on tabs and tables
  • b)    Master Pages
  • c)    Create Guides
  • d)   Page Numbering

Week 4

Reading-Meggs pp. 140-175

Reading-Nelson pp. 29-49, 172-194

Week 5

Reading-Meggs pp. 176-231

Reading-Nelson pp. 78-104

Week 6

Reading-Meggs pp. 232-251

Reading-Nelson pp. 105-145

Week 7
Reading-Meggs pp. 252-297

Reading-Nelson pp. 195-232

Week 8

Reading-Meggs pp. 298-350

Reading-Nelson pp. 233-257

Week 9

Reading-Meggs pp. 351-389

Reading-Nelson pp. 258-end

Week 10

Reading-Meggs pp. 390-411


Week 11

Reading-Meggs pp. 412-460


Week 12

Reading-Meggs pp. 461-481

1)    Begin page layout for magazine

Week 13

Reading-Meggs pp. 482-528

Week 14

Reading-Meggs pp. 530-end­­

Week 15

Week 16